Putting Learning into Practice – Dionne Soares

glasses on a book

Name: Dionne M. Soares, MPAS, PA-C 

Title:  Program Director/Department Chair 

Program: Howard University Physician Assistant Program (Developing)

Program URL: https://cnahs.howard.edu/departments/physician-assistant

What PAEA learning activity did you attend and when? PAEA Assessment Showcase Webinar Series – January 2023

Would you recommend this learning activity to other members and, if so, why?
Yes, I would highly recommend the PAEA Assessment Showcase Webinar Series to faculty of both established and developing programs. Assessment is a core concept in PA education that is both essential and critical to the effectiveness of a program. This webinar series not only highlighted assessment methods and tools that are being used by various programs, the series also discussed strategies for implementation, reviewed data to demonstrate real outcomes, and provided best practices.

What was your biggest takeaway/”aha” moment?  As the program director of a developing program, the ability to gain practical insight into the success, potential challenges, and best practices for some of the assessment methods and tools we are planning to use is more than beneficial to my program. 

Tell us about what you have put into practice because of this learning activity. As a developing program, our assessment strategic plan includes the use of PACKRAT® in both the didactic and clinical phase of the program as well as the use of End of Rotation™ examinations in the clinical phase. The analysis presented in this series will modify how we implement them into our curriculum to yield the most accurate data and outcomes.

NOTE: This webinar series took place in January 2023. A recording and resources are available to members in the Digital Learning Hub.

This article is part of the Putting Learning into Practice article series. We love to feature how our members are taking what they have learned through the professional development opportunities offered by PAEA and applying it to practice. Interested in being featured? Submit your Member Story on the PAEA website.